The Principality of Comino Isles

The Government in Exile
Each Member wears the Royal Golden Arches Order, with a Slash of Green.

Since 1850, the very aged Prince Honore I von Hompesch, Sovereign Prince of Comino Islands, formed a Government-in-Exile based loosely in Europe with his descendants. Each Prime Minister runs office for ten years and if they died in office to be succeeded by a member of their branch. Must be Eighteen years old to be elected.

                Prime Ministers of Comino Islands

(in Exile)

1.  1850-1860. Anthony von Hompesch.

2.  1860-1870. Auguste Sultana.

3. 1870-1880. Anthony von Hompesch (Second Term).

4. 1880-1890. Christopher von Hompesch.

5. 1890-1900. Prince Ferdinando II von Hompesch.

6. 1900-1910. Count Alfonso Caumont de la Force.

7. 1910-1912. Prince Ferdinando II von Hompesch (Second Term).

8. 1912-1920. Prince Napoleon III von Hompesch.

9. 1920-1930. Captain Antoine de Camino de Ruffo.

10. 1930-1940. Prince Napoleon III von Hompesch.

11. 1940-1943. Vicomte Napoleon von Hompesch.

12. 1943-1950. Vicomte Honore von Hompesch.

13. 1950-1960. Barone Charles von Hompesch.

14. 1960-1970. Count Sixte von Baviera.

15. 1970-1980. Prince Philippe de Vigo Paleologo.

16. 1980-1990. Prince Christopher von Hompesch.

17. 1990-2000. Vicomte Ferdinando von Hompesch.

18. 2000-2001. Duca Honore von Hompesch.

19. 2001- Current. Duca Henry von Hompesch.

Ministers of Comino Islands

(in Exile)

Conte Honore von Hompesch.
Conte James von Hompesch.
Conte Christian von Hompesch.
Vicomte Anthony von Hompesch.
Baron Charles von Hompesch.
Vicomte Ferdinando von Hompesch
Opposition Party of Comino Islands

(in Exile)

HSH. Prince Carlo Zeplin de Vigo Paoleologo Caumont de la Force von Hompesch.
Vicomte Juan Smith y Sandoval.
Count Anthony Griseweld.
Count Malcom Strong.
HH. Prince Ferdinando Zeplin de Vigo Paleologo
Count Sixte von Baviere, Former Prime Minister of Comino Islands.
HIH. Prince Christopher de Vigo Paleologo.

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