The Principality of Comino Isles
The Government in Exile
Each Member wears the Royal Golden Arches Order, with a Slash of Green.
Since 1850, the very aged Prince Honore I von Hompesch, Sovereign Prince of Comino Islands, formed a Government-in-Exile based loosely in Europe with his descendants. Each Prime Minister runs office for ten years and if they died in office to be succeeded by a member of their branch. Must be Eighteen years old to be elected.
Prime Ministers of Comino Islands
(in Exile)
1. 1850-1860. Anthony von Hompesch.
2. 1860-1870. Auguste Sultana.
3. 1870-1880. Anthony von Hompesch (Second Term).
4. 1880-1890. Christopher von Hompesch.
5. 1890-1900. Prince Ferdinando II von Hompesch.
6. 1900-1910. Count Alfonso Caumont de la Force.
7. 1910-1912. Prince Ferdinando II von Hompesch (Second Term).
8. 1912-1920. Prince Napoleon III von Hompesch.
9. 1920-1930. Captain Antoine de Camino de Ruffo.
10. 1930-1940. Prince Napoleon III von Hompesch.
11. 1940-1943. Vicomte Napoleon von Hompesch.
12. 1943-1950. Vicomte Honore von Hompesch.
13. 1950-1960. Barone Charles von Hompesch.
14. 1960-1970. Count Sixte von Baviera.
15. 1970-1980. Prince Philippe de Vigo Paleologo.
16. 1980-1990. Prince Christopher von Hompesch.
17. 1990-2000. Vicomte Ferdinando von Hompesch.
18. 2000-2001. Duca Honore von Hompesch.
19. 2001- Current. Duca Henry von Hompesch.
Ministers of Comino Islands(in Exile)
(in Exile)