
    The Principality of Comino Isles

    The Royal and Serene Order of Fish and Chips
    Each Member wears the Royal Fish and Chips Order, with a Slash of Sauce on their mouths.

    President of the Order: HSH, The Princess of the Comino Islands

    The Grading Order

    Knight Grand Cross(K.G.C.FC.)

    Knight Commander(K.C.FC)


    Member of the Order(MFC)

    Members of Scarlet Order of Fish and Chips

    Creation of Facebook 20th April 2008.  

    Daz Smith; Beatris Saxe-Coburg (London); David Agius (Malta); Michel Camille Forgues Lacroix (France)Clive Desire (London); John Oleary (Ireland); Mark Bailey; Joseph Meli-Attard (Malta); Melanie Zahra (Malta); Dominic St George (London);  Dominic Monckton; Beatrix P. Von Anhalt;  Yvon Bertorello (Vatican City);  Michel Moubarak; Alain Schenkels (Belgium);  Mark Gasan; Fatima Felts; Jessica Christophe-Dymoke (France);  Stefan Brunner (Germany);  Marc Lefebvre (France); Carl Wilhelm Ëberlin (Switzerland); Patrícia De Abreu Castello-Branco (Portugal);  Remy Said (Malta);  Irakli Bagrationi (Georgia); Michael Early (South Africa);  SplashMagazine Net; Michael Maher (Oxford); Mencía De Morales (Spain); Phill Allington (Liverpool); Nigel Crawhall (South Africa); Sébastien Philippe (Luxembourg); Michael W Joubert; Julian Attard (Montreal, QC); Giulia Giustiniani (Italy); Nicolas Roussev; Stuart-Lloyd Alderson (South Africa); Sarah Spencer-Churchill (Cheltenham Ladies' College); Michael Marcil (Suffolk); Janet Asprey (South Africa); Tony Anthony Lloyd (Manchester); Stan Reeves (Hocking); Bea Sophia Gorman; Jacke Manalo (Philippines); Boris Petrovic (France); Gabby Testaferrata Olivier; Michael Badegisel-MacConnell (London); William Spencer-Churchill (Harrow School); Lauretana Stagno D'Alcontres (Italy); Harry Spencer-Churchill (Los Angeles, CA); Andrew Sidney Nash (South Africa); Victor De Stolberg; Alex Kassandrinos (Liechtenstein); James Abela (Malaysia); Craig Hollis; Tim Mansfield (United Arab Emirates); Jeremy Aerts (Belgium); Morgan Del Le Piane-Metelo (London); Laurent Marcil (France); Chiara Stagno D'Alcontres (Italy); Nicholas A. Falzon Sant Manduca (London); Charles Said-Vassallo; Megan MacDonald (South Africa); Stephen Dyer (London); Steve Allen (London); John Steyn (South Africa);  Johan Smith (South Africa); Mark Brown; Nowa Cyrhyl Balderas; Gerard Luck.

  • Grand Knight of Scarlet Order of Fish and Chips

    Creation of Facebook 19th April 2008.

    Steve Scott Ellis, Secretary and Grand Knight of the Golden Arches and of Fish and Chips

    Justin Robert Gryffoyn, Kt.FC., Kt.GArch, Barone of Comino Islands.

    ·  Paul Muscat D'Angely, (Vicomte d'Angely in France); Kt.FC; Kt.GArch

    ·  Romain Taillandier, Grand Knight of the Order of Fish and Chips

    ·  Jonathan Jenkyn, Grand Knight of the Order of Fish and Chips

    ·  Fernando Mifsud, Grand Knight of the Order of Fish and Chips

    ·  Lucas Ziemba, Grand Knight of the Order of Fish and Chips

    ·  Patrick Morselli, Grand Knight of the Order of Fish and Chips

    ·  Ngo-Di Nombret Mathieu, Grand Knight of the Order of Fish and Chips

    ·  Mariofilippo Brambilla Di Carpiano, Grand Knight of the Order of Fish and Chips

    ·  Antonia Charry Barretto, Grand Dame of the Order of Fish and Chips

    ·  Francis Hornyold-Strickland, Grand Knight of the Order of Fish and Chips

    ·  Luke Rizzollo, Grand Knight of the Order of Fish and Chips

    ·  Guido Lucke, Grand Knight of the Order of Fish and Chips

    ·  Alessandro Sychev, Grand Knight of the Order of Fish and Chips

    ·  Kyle Correia De Araujo, Grand Knight of the Order of Fish and Chips

    ·  MaryCatherine Fehr, Grand Dame of the Order of Fish and Chips

    ·  Pierre-M. De Saboulin Bollena, Grand Knight of the Order of Fish and Chips

    ·  Gerhard Van Deventer, Grand Knight of the Order of Fish and Chips

    ·  Claudia Mifsud, Grand Dame of the Order of Fish and Chips

    Members of Scarlet Order of Fish and Chips

    Creation of Facebook 19th April 2008.  

    James R Dubro ; John O'Sullivan  Dale Kopping  Steve Anderson  Dallas Henson Anthony Raymond Giloi  Ivan Teron  Bryce Craig Bowers  Ramses De Jesus  Luke Rizzollo Joonatan Junas Brian Whatley  Matthew Ashley  Henk Redelinghuys Mansoor Booysen D. Michael L. Tower  Gerhard Van Deventer  Mathys Van Der Merwe  Mathew Stevens Julia Cordier  Jan Desseyn  Francis Hornyold-Strickland  Kirk Pacheco  Larry Le Roux  Guido Lucke  Ash Groenewald  Armand Lock  Daniel Thompson  Jaco Fouché  Huelck Andreas  Deon Botha Francois E Nortje  Edwin McQueen  Tommy Liew Dean Leon Johnson Carel Pienaar  Riaan Vosloo  Jaco Wiid  Lt. Gyn Mendoza  Clive Vanderwagen  Robert Kulk-Pelz  Etienne Stoltz Marlon Bredekamp  Penelope Lynn Marais  Queer City  Maximilian Henderson  Pauline Dodd Ritchie  Rene Du Plessis  Naomi Potgieter  Michael Ross-Adams  Jeandre Denyschen Michael Hosking  Jayden MP  Jean Richard Robert Enslin  Ian Sch Mervin Campbell  Justin Maguire Dicey  Chantal Van Der Walt  Vincent I Vollgraaff  John-Jaques Rossouw  Lian Fivaz Shane Glover  Jacques De Villiers Justin Allan  Arthur A Selley  Charles Kinnear  Leonard Calvelli  Christian Faber  Pierre Le Roux Jayson Taylor  Desmond Kleynhans Patrick Flynn Reed Wong  Shae Dean Barry  Ricky Alves William George Leonard Durant  Revenge Angel Warwick Mills Leroy Esterhuizen  Gavin Pelser  Martin Blaauw  Peter Meiring  John Cornelius  Philip McGee Jordan Pracher  Stephan Von Meuleman  Honcho Honchoman Pete Boyer David Bown Benjamin Breden  Garry Cassell  Wessel Lombard  Henning Schimanke  Braam Herbst  Rudi Smit  Franco Mostert  Steph Deysel  Jason Nelke  Kingston Thomas  Bryan Tan Paul Luna Barry Bett  Eugene Mouton  Cobus Smit  Duane Hamann Bradley Kadish   Andries Reed  Pete Street  Shaun Gryffoyn  Hendrik Breedt  Pierre Dorfling  Ronnie De Koker 


    Members of Scarlet Order of Fish and Chips

    Creation of Facebook 17th April 2008.

    Dolph Pretorius, Jorge Briceño ; Brandon Gouws; Henry Téllez Duarte, Sebastien Ta; Robert M Collins, Ronnie De Koker, Benny Cilliers, Richard Hesse, Stephan De Monthessy, Alex Gonzalez, Johann Steenkamp, Denis Tangney, Ronald Paterson, Ricardo Gorge Vieira Pita, John J King, Robert L. Colon, Mikael Garcia, Christof Fourie, Eric Jay, Alex Cruz, Jake Aldred, AJ Roger, Kyle Correia De Araujo, Brice Braxton, Anthony Mariani, James Matthies, Dave Greenwood, Mark D Allen, Ben Davies, MaryCatherine Fehr, Vincent Anzardo, Bradley Maloney, Laurent Donders, Saul Beder, Caner Taner, Salva D'Or, Jorge Janeiro, John Guy, Randy Hughes, Alejandro Almirall, Stefan Du Plessis, Lodewyk Strauss, Alexander Carstens, Max Black, Johan Janse Van Nieuwenhuizen, Javier Perez, Vince Salinitri, Brian Frauenknecht, Wade Hughes, Wickus Venter, Claudia Mifsud, Sean Pettit, Dayana Robletto, Rian Christiaan, Michael Yorke, Mehdi Beshir, Craig Burls, Archie John, Scott Peters, Charlie Greenwood-Elliott, Philip Moffat, Brad Walsh, Edwardo Alcantara, Charles Botha, Ryno Schoeman, Maxime Pitteloud, Rainbow Angel, Glen Thompson, Shehzaad Azriel, Pierre-M. De Saboulin Bollena, Patrick Mullin, Rudi Els, Alessandro Sychev, Pete Farley, Philippe BeaucourtBrian Q. DavisRoger WilliamsWilliam J. ReulbachJovy JanoloAnders BechgaardMike AlvagoParaskevas XanthosRobert Smitter,   Joseph A. Barredo,   Massimiliano Turci.

    The Prince's Birthday Honour Roll of the 1st of August, 2001;

    Mr Benjamin Lanzon; Knight Commander of the Order of the Golden Arches.

    Mr Edward Falzon; Knight Commander of the Order of the Golden Arches.

    Mr George Portelli; Knight Commander of the Order of the Golden Arches.

    Mr Anthony Mark Schembri; Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Golden Arches.

    Stephen Sant; Marquis Sant of the Comino Islands; Knight Grand Cross of the Golden Arches.

    Noble Elvin Farrugia; Count and Baron Tabone of the Comino Islands; Knight Grand Cross of the Golden Arches.

    Noble Russell Sant Cassia; Duke of Velletri of the Comino Islands; Knight Grand Cross of the Golden Arches.

    Noble Christopher Mallia; Baron of the Comino Islands; Knight Commander of the Order of the Golden Arches.

    Noble Massimo Ciantar; Baron and Viscount of the Comino Islands; Knight Commander of the Order of the Golden Arches.

    H.S.H, Prince Napoleon IV Zeplin; Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Golden Arches Duke of and around Comino Islands

    H.S.H, Prince Carlo Zeplin; Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Golden Arches Marquis, Count and Baron of the Comino Islands

    H.S.H, Princess Matilda Zeplin; Knight Grand Dame of the Order of the Golden Arches

    H.S.H, Princess Stephanie Zeplin; Knight Grand Dame of the Order of the Golden Arches

    H.I.H, Prince Christopher de Vigo Paleologo; Knight Grand Knight of the Royal Order of the Golden Arches

    H.S.H, Princess Patricia de Vigo; Knight Grand Dame of the Royal Order of the Golden Arches

    Mr Thomas Abela; Associate Member of the Order of the Golden Arches.

    ·  Members
    Creation of Christmas 2001.

    ·  Mr. George Mallia; Mr. Taylor Gatt, ; Miss. Eleaonor Zahra,  Miss. Rita Cassia, ; Mrs. Henrietta Habela, ; Mrs. Patricia La Ferla.


    E-Mail for all Inquries.Principe Residence
    The Palace, Von Hompesch Drive, Principality of Comino Islands

    The Principality of the Comino Islands presents either in Switzerland or at the Palace in Comino

    If your interested in becoming a KNIGHT, please send an email.
    The Royal Order of The Golden Arches-Press Here
    Main Site-Press Here